Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone,
If you were given a choice between dark and bright skin which one would you choose? Well, I can somehow assure that 7 over 10 people would prefer bright skin. And for this desire, some would go to the extent of using any methods without considering the long term effect.
As we are aware, there are many exfoliating and bleaching products can be found in Malaysia's market nowadays. It can be easily found and some of it were sold with inexpensive and affordable price. You can also see the results in a very short period. Due to the exfoliating effect, the skin layer is getting thinner. There goes pink is the new white face.
When you use bleaching and exfoliating products, you are actually disturbing the skin renewal cycle. Fact shows that our skin will renew every 28 days. Can you imagine what happen if you are using exfoliating products everyday?
Here's how it work. The outer layer of skin is known as epidermis which function to protect the inner layer that called dermis. What happen here is that, rapid exfoliating process will eventually exposed the dermis layer leaving your skin unprotected.
If you wish to protect your skin, choose suitable product. Do not regret later on.
**If you are interested to try Mary Kay products and get free facial & consultation can sms / call me at 017-6623176.
Have a nice day. (^___^)(Y)
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